Sunday 2 September 2012

lets talk relationships

Everytime you switch on your television or open a book,there is atleast one relationship advice whether its directly talkin relationship or hiding under the cloak of a movie or worse off a tooknow friend or relative tryin to teach you how your relationship should and shouldnt go.Even in churches,its special valentine,or the youth,family service with very heavy moral scripture laden messages. Its either you are been tutored on how not to sleep with a boy until your wedding night or how to be smart and never get caughtwhile i was growing up in a part of Nigeria where most of us grew up.Noone talks about sex[always called having fun] and its just like that word never exists.Getting into a relationship was something a tiny bit fuzzy i had to search the net on acceptable and unacceptable relationship advice did see a whole lot of crash courses doe and when that relationship went down the drain,i wondered whati did wrong.[I was a strict do what you read person]From the first time you meet that gorgeous boy\girl until you get the attention,the dates but wait do we go on dates in nigeria?Anyways,all through the careful schemeing and planning until you land the trophy,you have to be on your best and bestest behaviour and the relationsip itself is like a contract where two people with diffrent beliefs and up bringing come together and most of the times with diffrent expectations which makes me ask What is acceptable and unacceptable relationship advice?when is it safe to have sex with a guy without looking cheap?what to talk bout on a first date and to solemly avoid?How to know if a guy is stingy or not? and the question noone asks,when to get out of a violent relationship? I ve had the goodluck of been with so many young men and women who do not have any idea of what makes a relationship or breaks it and we all follow and imitate what we see in novels or movies which are richly exagerrated and sooo untrue. Instead we should search deep into our minds and do what ever we think would be the very best we feel not what anyone says or think.If you think shes not best for you,then leave.Its better you are not in it than to manage through it.Also, believe me,there is no rule for anyone in a relationship just have fun and be yourself.YYYYes thats the key,BE YOURSELF and u'd be preety suprised...Best relationship advice ever believe me................XOXO

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